5 ways to change your mind set from employee to entrepreneur

Quitting your job, taking the plunge and starting your own business can be a very daunting prospect. Not only this, many people may assume that the transition from being an employee to taking on the role of managing your own employees is a seamless process. However, even the most successful of employees can struggle with the change.

 Take a look at the ways you should change your mind set from employee to entrepreneur:

1. You're no longer in the 9-5

That's right, you're now in the 24/7 way of working. Being a start-up, you need to adapt to being fully committed to your business any date, any place, any time outside of the regular working hours. You may not be physically tied to a desk but consistently thinking about your business or being contactable by your employees is important, especially in the early days of your start-up.

2. You're the decision maker

Whilst working as an employee for another company, even at a Director's level, you will be surrounded by co-workers to assist you with decisions. When you are the business owner, all major decisions lie with you. You are responsible for the final say on what happens, when and how it is executed. Being an entrepreneur is your opportunity to take the chances you've always wanted to which comes with the risk of sometimes getting it wrong. Learning from mistakes makes entrepreneurs better leaders in the long run.

3. Always be learning

As an employee, you can be stuck in the daily grind which may become repetitive and unchallenging. Becoming an entrepreneur requires you to constantly be bettering yourself, learning new skills and absorbing new information. Being a proactive entrepreneur can help to keep your business competitive and ahead of industry trends.

4. Get use to feeling uncomfortable

You are no longer going to be going through the motions and remaining in your comfort zone. Being an entrepreneur means testing ideas, taking risks and feeling uneasy at times.

5. Passion, passion, passion

Whilst working for someone else, you may be purely in the job for the pay check at the end of the month instead of the love for the job or company. As an entrepreneur you have to be passionate about your business and completely dedicated to your idea. Without passion, it may be very difficult to continue when times get tough.

What's your biggest challenge as an entrepreneur? Join the conversation on Twitter @OregaOffices.

If you're thinking of starting your own business, Orega provide working solutions perfect for start-ups and entrepreneurs. Take a MyOrega Virtual Office, work in our co-working space or use our meeting rooms and receive amazing support in a professional environment. Get in touch for more information about any of our services.


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Productivity Entrepreneurship

Zach Douglas

Executive Chairman Board
Zach is the Executive Chairman and co-founder of Orega. Previously, Zach held roles as a salesperson in the flexible workspace industry before he and co-founder, Paul Finch, established Orega in 2000, pioneering the management agreement model. Zach oversees the Orega portfolio of 26 centres, with the vision to roll out our unique operating model to prime business locations across the UK. Outside of work, Zach is a father of two and has a keen interest in music and cycling.
Read more about Zach Douglas

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