The 4 Workplace Trends Orega Predict for 2017

We are getting ready for a new year and new workplace trends. Read what Orega predict will be big in 2017:

1. Residential Feel

The lines between corporate open planned offices will be blurred further than in 2016 with more workspaces adopting a residential feel. The boring corner office has significantly been phased out by the open plan, collaborative workspaces in 2016 and in the new year these will adopt a more residential theme. Offices will feel more welcoming and comfortable by having softer aesthetics including more bright colours, natural materials and spaces for relaxing/collaborating.


2. Mix of Materials

Instead of sticking with only wood or metal or soft furnishings, more and more workplaces will see a complimentary combination of raw materials. This will even be evident in flooring where there will be a blend of both hardwood flooring and carpet. The arrangement of various textures which are not only attractive but durable is key to creating a workplace design that will be on trend for years to come.

3. Zoning

Offices will still remain open plan; however, there will be an increase in specific zones arranged based on various work day activities. There will be clusters of quiet zones, huddle zones, co-working space etc. These spaces will be particular to whatever employees are trying to achieve whether it is collaborating, socialising, focussing or brainstorming. Zones will be split by configurations of different types of furniture including seating pods, benches, standing desks and meeting tables. Zoning open plan offices results in employees being able to work in a way that suits their own style.

4.  Increase of Remote Workers

The "Working anywhere: A winning formula for good work?" report, produced by Tehe Work Foundation and funded by Citrix, found that more than 50% of businesses in the UK will adopt flexible and remote working practices come the end of next year. It is predicted that remote working will soon become the rule instead of the exception. In 2017 workplaces will be seen to incorporate flexible workers into the setup of the office design. Having remote desks dispersed throughout permanent workers will be seen to increase motivation and engagement levels.

What workplace trends do you predict for 2017? Tweet us @OregaOffices to share your thoughts.


Workplace Trends News & Events

Zach Douglas

Executive Chairman Board
Zach is the Executive Chairman and co-founder of Orega. Previously, Zach held roles as a salesperson in the flexible workspace industry before he and co-founder, Paul Finch, established Orega in 2000, pioneering the management agreement model. Zach oversees the Orega portfolio of 26 centres, with the vision to roll out our unique operating model to prime business locations across the UK. Outside of work, Zach is a father of two and has a keen interest in music and cycling.
Read more about Zach Douglas

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