• Choose your location
  • Choose your package
  • Details & order summary
  • Payment
  • Confirmation

Your details

You've made a great choice! Now it's time to enter your personal details but before you do, please make sure you have read our Privacy PolicyJust a reminder, that it is a statutory offence to knowingly provide false or misleading information on this application.

Package details

Registered company address

Now it's time to enter your Registered Business address details. If this is going to be the Orega address you've just selected, please add that now

Other details

Lastly, we just need to know if there are any other directors of your company, the industry your company is in and how you heard about us!

Order Summary

Location Bailey
Setup fee £49.00
Start date N/A
Length of agreement
Price per month £69.00
Discount 0.00
VAT £20.00
Subtotal £69.00 (excl VAT)

Total payable today = £89.00 (inc VAT)